骨灰安置每日开放时间: 从早上八点至下午六点 (包括公共假期)
专供给各姓人等安奉祖先的骨灰瓮及神主牌莲位。经过南海观音佛祖,济公活佛,地藏王菩萨,四方三圣及师父精心设计的风水,每个莲位都宽阔舒畅,宁静又祥和。每个骨灰莲位的设计都代表一间豪华的三程楼屋,所以在功德堂安奉祖先就不需再化灵屋或再另办功德。 每日师父诵经及饭菜,水果,咖啡和茶供奉。成为往生者理想的安息地。本堂也为公众的祖先超度,做功德法会。刚逝世者之魂帛也可以从头七,二七,三七寄放在此直四十九天焚化。 本堂提供挖坟修墓及为新往生家亲辦丧殡仪式/法师诵经服务。 祖先莲位(神主牌):第一层至十二层,共2208多牌位 骨灰莲位:一层至九层,共3396位 每个骨灰莲位也包括以下:
欢迎有意为先人,父母,祖先,回向报恩绵库者,请提早前来本堂报名填表,以便安排处理。 我们欢迎公众前来为家亲及先逝的家亲订好位,让他们踏着莲花,随着西方三圣走。 以福阴阳上子孙兴旺,添财库,行好运,发大财。 可提供安奉宠物 - 仅限于猫和狗。 如许观看请联系黄雅勤居士 @ (65) 8102 5571 Columbarium ServicesDaily from 8am to 6pm (including weekends and public holidays)
Exclusively on the second floor of the temple, columbarium and ancestral tablet are now available for orders and immediate placements. Each URN compartment is tactfully designed with auspicious elements of Fengshui, complemented with daily mantras and change of refreshments, worshippers will find this a peaceful and calming environment for offerings and blessings. You may also place the ancestral tablet of your beloved family or friends at the temple premises for prayers up to Day 49 or 100. The temple provides excavation of tombs and a ala carte funeral ceremony and mantras for the deceased. Ancestral Tablets: From Level 1 to 12, total of 2208 tablets Columbarium URNs: From Level 1 to 9, total of 3396 individual units Each purchase of the Columbarium Urn includes Mantra prayer on the last night of the funeral. Additionally, the temple has regular Chao Du Fa Hui during the third , seventh and tenth lunar month of each year.
We welcome all queries to help you fulfill your filial piety and the ancestors, to embark on a new journey to enlightenment with the Buddha. Pet Columbarium available - limited to only cats and dogs. For more details on Columbarium Services, please contact Alison Ng @ (65) 8102 5571 |
Contact us for any enquiry on Columbarium Services |